Friday, December 19, 2014

3 Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas

Maybe you're not one of those people who shops early, or time gets away from you and before you know it stores are packed and there's only a week left until Christmas and there's someone you forgot to get a gift for and you have no idea what to do.
Well hopefully this will help.
Here is a few different gift ideas that could get you on your way.

A Bakers Basket
Pick up a cookbook and pick out a recipe, something simple, it doesn't have to call for a ton of ingredients. Maybe a cookie recipe, or brownies! Pick up a few of the dry ingredients, how about the cocoa powder? Vanilla extract? Maybe something to mix in with the brownies like Reese's Cups or Chocolate Chips. Add a spatula, cookie cutters, an oven-mitt, and you're good to go!

A Custom Mug
Find a plain white coffee mug and with a sharpie write on it maybe an inside joke, a special quote, or a cute doodle of a cat or a flower, put it in the oven while it preheats[so it doesn't crack] to 425 degrees and then bake it for 35mins. It's best to leave it sit in there while the oven cools off too, just in case!
Create a Mani/Pedi in a Jar
Find a jar fill it with a nail file, clippers, fuzzy socks, lotion, sugar scrub, and nail polish.
The perfect quick fix for any girl!

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