Sunday, November 2, 2014

Puppy Kisses and Shopping Till I Drop!

Hello all!

I believe it's been a while since I've done any somewhat decent life catch up. So I thought this would be the perfect time to. 

On Wednesday I wore pink- Just kidding! I did some puppy sitting for my Grandma, I think she was getting a little burnt out on caring for a puppy so I took Chestnut for the morning to give Grandma some me-time. She seemed pretty thankful about it.
[When my mom had stopped over at my Grandma's house later on she said Chestnut was like a two year old fighting to go to sleep, when her eyes would start to close, she would jolt awake and look for something to do.]

Isn't she just the cutest??

She didn't do as bad as I thought she would. I had puppy say before and the one puppy was a very lively puppy so to speak, he loved putting stuff in his mouth and wasn't up for cuddling. Chestnut is good at knowing when you're busy and minding her own. She likes to know what's going on, and she's very alert of everything, she doesn't like being far away. But she can also go lay down and not be tearing through the house and getting into things.
Which is hard to really grasp because she's a puppy, well, 14 weeks, but you know what I mean.

I wanted to do some sort of DIY while I had her over here. So I made dog treats. Don't you just love having a dog? I can do this stuff again. It's like a breath of fresh air.

And I'm so pleased to say I made MY OWN RECIPE. I'm so tickled. I found one and used it as a guide and did my own thing with it when it didn't turn out the way I had originally planned.
AND SHE LOVES THEM! Peaches wasn't a fan of any dry treat. We were lucky she ate dry dog food let alone dry treats. I can't believe she ate it. Oh but I'm still so happy! And they smelled AMAZING baking in the oven!


After that, on Thursday we went Christmas shopping. That was a bit of a rough day, had a rough start that morning, My sleeping has been really bad, I wasn't really up for the day mentally, but plugged on along. I've been trying  to get all my Christmas shopping done. I have ONE GIFT LEFT to get, I'm literally so excited though! I wanted to get it all done and finished before it got too hectic in stores. Me + A Ton of People = No bueno. [if I knew how to say 'at all' in Spanish I'd add that on too]. So the past two weeks my mom has been so kind to drive me places and pick stuff out. I also did my own shopping because I haven't been shopping in two years. No seriously. Two years. And I'm pretty sure I bought everything except the stuff I actually needed. I'm kicking myself for it now.
Live and learn.
I'm telling myself it's okay though because it wasn't stupid stuff. It was money well spent......just not on the stuff I actually needed, importance wise. Like jeans that actually fit. Kicking myself again.
Maybe I'll do a blog post about it all-a blog haul!

I didn't eat breakfast because of my stomach being a butt again. So around lunch time I had my breakfast, I didn't know what I wanted, I'm not big on fast-food stuff. Apart from Chick-fil-a, but Chick-fil-a doesn't seem to be agreeing with my body. So instead we made a stop at Giant Eagle, my mom told me about this tea, it was pretty good, different, but good. I thought it had a mint/mentholy taste but there's no mint-like thing in it for it to do that, so I'm guessing it's the tea? But white tea isn't something I drink all that much, in fact, I think this is the second time I've had it after that Inko's tea or whatever that was called(it's pretty late right now, sorry x] )
ANYWAY it was good-and no funky ingredients. My favorite kind of drinks.

And a Cranberry Almond KIND bar. I love KIND, love, love, love!!! My favorite Bar from them so far that I've tried is the Blueberry Vanilla & Cashew, it reminds me of a muffin for some reason. Maybe it's because I automatically put blueberries and muffins together in my mind. Who doesn't love blueberry muffins? 
She had also picked up another flavor that I haven't tried before, so maybe I'll do a review or something on it[: I'm saving it for another day in case we go out again. Which probably will be soon!

Again, no funky ingredients. 

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