Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Great Day!!

The other day me and my mom were talking, she wanted to go walk a trail and take some pictures, so today, we did just that.
We got up and left early and while we walked the trail we got to see the sun ride through the trees, it was so pretty! There's a river that runs along it and in certain areas the sun just GLISTENED on it, it was just stunning.
I have more pictures and videos on both my camera and iPod that I will have to post for you guys to see.

Also, for like the past month of so we've been talking about stopping at a local farm that my grandparents are friends with and just hadn't gotten to it between not feeling good and when we did remember, it was either too early in the morning, or I wasn't feeling good when we planned ahead.
On the way home from the trail I asked mom if we were going to stop, and she said no, how bout tomorrow, I agreed, and then all the sudden the turn signal came on and we were turning into the peoples driveway and I just looked at her like 'what happened to tomorrow??!?!!!??!?!'.
The guy was SO nice to us.
Mom went up and introduced ourselves saying that my grandfather stopped by not too long ago and that he said we were free to stop and they got to talking about the lessons(the lady who originally does the lessons wasn't home) and he came over to me and said 'let me introduce you to the horses' of course I said 'okay!'.
He got some apples from the apple tree and we went down to the pasture and he called the horses over and cut the apples up, letting us feed the horses. There's 5 of them, and one was like the 'shy guy' that got picked on, he kinda kept to himself. And I felt so bad that the other wouldn't let him come get some apples so I walked over to where he was and fed him through the fence.
I had my eye on him.
So after talking a little more, he turned to me and said 'how about if I take my horse in and let you brush him, and if you do good, maybe we can get ya on, how about that?' again, I said 'okay!'.
He brought in his horse, Houdini (we used to have a cat named that, that's another story), and I cleaned him up, getting the mud off his back and then the owner saddled him up and we went down to the round pen and he took him inside and lunged him a bit. I stood on the fence of the round pen(it's been a goal of mine to do that ever since I watched The Saddle Club how many years ago), and the other horses came over to us.
Mario(I think is his name) the shy guy, came over and stood right behind, every now and again I would feel his nose against me. I LOVED it. I think that was the whole 'let's be buddies' oath was made. I felt like I had won him over, even if it was just a bit of him.
The owner asked me to ride but I said no, my nerves were too high and I didn't want to get on and be scared and then something happen. It takes a while for me to warm up to horses after not being around the,. Give me a dog, I will show him whose boss, but put a 1200lb animal that's much taller than me right beside me? It's gonna take a few till I feel em out a bit.
The owner asked if I would like to lead him around or lunge him instead, I agreed. Lunging has always been something I've been interested in, it just seems so cool, and it was!

They also had a cat that looked almost identical to Jack, it was crazy!

Anyway, that's my story for the day. Tomorrow I will try to get up more pictures!
Hope you all are having a wonderful day!!!

Question of the day: Have you ever been horseback riding? Have you ever had any accidents that's made you scared of riding again?

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