Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Favorites | 2014

April has been a pretty good month for how fast it has passed by, seriously, yesterday seemed like February.
I haven't done a favorites post in a while so I thought I'd share[:

1. Oranges

Dad got us some oranges last week when he went for groceries and they are soooo good, I've been having one everyday.

2. Bananas

Bananas are my favorite fruit, ever. Perfect for smoothies, perfect for a snack, and their also great for upset stomachs, which is always a plus for this body.

3. Almond Milk

I don't like milk. Period. Everyone in my family just loovvveesss it and I can't stand it. It's either A) It doesn't taste good or B) stomach issues. So mom got me the Vanilla Almond milk one day which I thought tasted a lot like the milk after eating frosted flakes when it gets all sugary and everything, which is great, but a little too sweet. Dad got the plain unsweetened kind it is sooo good. I think it's also helping with my skin and that too.

4. Special K Popcorn Chips

There will be a review of them up soon, but their a favorite[;

5. Instagram

Instagram used to be a HUGE part of my life, I'd post a bunch of pictures, all happy happy joy joy then high school came and pretty much bursted my bubble on there and there had been too much going on to keep up with it. But lately I've been back to posting pictures again. Most of them are of photography, but there is life-y things on there too that're taken with the iPod camera.

6. Lastly, Working out

The past few weeks I've been making sure to get in as many workouts as I can through-out the week, which is average two days, I'm trying my hardest not to miss Mondays and going three days without working out, even though the past two days I've probably gotten in like 5-10mins on each day. But it's better than nothing at all...right?

What's your favorites for the month of April??

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