Sunday, July 5, 2015

What I've Been Up To Lately | II

I've been enjoying grocery shopping for myself rather than having it on my parents shopping list. maybe it's the whole independent feeling, but I like it. I like picking out my own things and looking around for new stuff rather than putting the same thing on the list every week. My Dad isn't one for really looking to find new things, so.
I had a coupon for the Lactaid ice cream, and the Horzion Organic crackers so I thought I'd give them a try. Ice cream almost always gives me a stomach ache (I've found I can handle B&J in small doses though) and I've been tempted to get the lactose free kind, but I always hesitate on it. Lactose free stuff tends to freak me out a little, it's a mental thing. I don't even know why cause I don't even drink regular milk.Just yogurt and cheese.
This ice cream thing needs to stop. I've been having too much fun trying different flavors.

My Aunt invited me to go with her to the movies last week and we saw Max, a movie about a dog in the Marines. It was an outstanding movie, so so so good! I was in tears many many times. You can see my post about it here.

After the movie my Aunt treated me to lunch, which was so incredibly nice of her. We went to Chick-fil-a, both of our favorite place to eat. I got a Grilled Chicken Market Salad, and finally tried the Frosted Lemonade. Both were really good. I think the Frosted Lemonade tasted like a lemon meringue pie or a lemon version of a key-lime pie.

On Friday Misty got her belly shaved. Misty has a ton of hair. She's either always cleaning herself (we're certain she has OCD)-therefore eating her hair and leaving gifts for us, or shedding it EVERYWHERE. Because her hair is so fine and has so much of it my Mom likes her having her belly shaved to keep her a little bit cooled off, and I've finally figured out a technique to shave her on my own so I don't have to worry about getting someone else to help.

How is your summer going??

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