Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Glutino Chocolate Creme Cookie Review


I've been eying these things for the past month or so at Wal*Mart, now I'm finally trying them.

These look a lot like Oreo's, only without the brand name on them. They don't have Glutino or anything printed on the cookie. But they smell like brownies, the center isn't sickly sweet, and the actual outer cookie tastes like the crust from brownie, kind of like dark chocolate. I can't compare them to any other chocolate creme cookie because this is the only kind I've ever had.
They aren't as sweet as the vanilla creme ones, probably because the chocolate flavor cuts it.

The chocolate taste can be a little much for me and the flavor sticks in your mouth for a little while after, too.

These cookies are around $4.00 at our local Wal*Mart, there is a Great Value version, but like I said, these are the only kind I've ever tried, so I don't know how they taste.

So taste wise 5/10 - The chocolate gets a little much for me, but I love that they aren't sickeningly sweet.
Price 6/10 - When it comes to gluten free foods it gets really expensive, $4.00, believe it or not, isn't all that bad.

Over all, I would recommend these to a friend and anyone who liked Oreo's! They're a great alternative for something to indulge in if you missed those cookies!

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