Friday, February 27, 2015

Gluten Free Friday: Ghirardelli Squares Valentine's Chocolate Assortment - Reivew

**So y'all are gettin' a double review this week because of my lack of posting one up last week[:







I've been hit by the chocolate fairy.
Candy isn't my go-to food. It's not something I particularly enjoy eating, or actually want to it. I like the thoughts of wanting/eating it though. I'll buy myself a bag of candy... it sits there for months...get another bag of something I want... it sits there too. Sometime's I think something's wrong with me, or maybe I've burnt myself off some of the whole sugar-thing when I was younger.
Or maybe it's because I just don't crave it from not having it all the time-but oh well.
About two weeks ago I had this huge out-of-no-where craving for chocolate, it was horrible. So, after fighting it for a week I finally let myself get a bag. Thankfully, my Mom was ever so kind to split it with me. The things Mom's do for us *blessed*.
Seriously though. On the terms of finding out that I'm still on a bit of a craving for it, and only for dark chocolate particularly, Ghirardelli has become Numero Uno on my chocolate radar. And as far as I know Ghirardelli has the good chocolate that, you know, can be healthy to consume.

The bag I picked up was the Valentine's Chocolate Assortment. It contains three different types: Milk Chocolate & Caramel, Dark & Strawberry, and Dark 60% Cocoa.

I liked them all. How could you not? The Dark chocolate was my absolute favorite though. To me, it always almost tastes like coffee.
The Milk Chocolate & Caramel was absolutely amazing. I just want a whole giant bag of them after taking my first bite. It was so smooth and heavenly.
And of course Dark & Strawberry. This one was really good too, different from what I thought it would taste like. I thought it would be like a typically strawberry fake-syrup filling that was so artificial it was a bit ridiculous. But no. I was wrong. Very wrong. It was more like a preserve/jam on the inside, it actually tasted like real strawberries! And better yet. There was no carmine added into it.

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