Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Catching Up With Summer

I don't know about anyone else, but it feels like summer is flying by super quick and it's actually a little overwhelming. Well, except for the past two days, for some reason they've dragged on, and it's more frustrating than overwhelming. (Is that even possible?)

The summer plans I've head in my head, haven't exactly happened in person. Lately I've been feeling so slugish and blah, my stomachs been hurting again, there's a lot going on in my life, and I'm feeling worn out, which is bad, because things are going to be getting a lot more interesting.

Either way, I am slowly but surely trying to get more posts done, I know I've been MIA lately and I'll try my best to post more.

Here's a few things to share though.

Summer here has been more like Seattle than what it typically is. Last few years it's been scorching hot, this year? Cloudy and Rainy. "It rains nine months out of the year in Seattle" anyone? anyone?
But what little sun we do get, I am trying to get this body tanned, if I don't blind anyone in the process. (#Irishgirlproblems).
ALSO! This is my 'first time'  using tanning oil, from what I can remember. And I must say, love it!

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool... on a rainy day. AKA yesterday.

Remember those seeds I planted? Well I just got my fist cucumber of the year! It's so exciting watching something from a tiny seed grow into a plant, and then produce! Honestly, I did that!!!
I can't wait for the other plants to get some on them too, especially the watermelons and cantaloupe.

Hope you guys are having a wonderful summer! What have you been up to?

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