Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I Watched The First 15 Minutes of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones Movie... Review?

Saturday night Syfy had schedueled to play City of Bones. I've never seen this movie, however I'm a HUGE fan of the books, okay that's an understatement... I've seen the trailer, checked out the soundtrack, all of it. I'm a huge, huge lover of this series.

And it's killing me to say I am trying so hard to like it and I can't.
During the 15 minutes that I saw it all I was thinking was 'It didn't start this way in the book.' 'Her hair isn't red enough.' 'Shouldn't Jace be...well... buffer?' (I'm not hating on Jamie once so ever, I promise. I do like him.) 'He should've been in that scene.' 'When did everyone get accents? New York people don't have English accents!' 'She shouldn't know that till later in the book.' 'What's with Jace's hap-hazard Runes? Where's all the faded scars?' 'She shouldn't know that till later.' 'Since when did these Rune's become a suspense story?' 'Isabelle is supposed to be drunk during that'-Here's the thing... I get it. Cassandra Clare didn't have any of the rights during the making of the movie. I'm assuming that means she wasn't really on the set and having says in things like John Green (I'm assuming he has rights to his movies.). I'm not upset with Cassandra Clare so much as I am of the people in charge of making the movie.

When you make a movie based off of a book that has such a huge fanbase, you better be darn careful about how you portray it on screen. We notice these things.

This is my understanding. My Mom is a huge Pride & Prejudice fan, read the books watched the original movie, loves Jane Austen. Wanting to take part in this, when the new Pride & Prejudice movie came out, not having read the book yet, (I know...let's not talk about it, I'm embarrassed enough.) I wanted to take part in seeing who this amazing Mr. Darcy is. I thought the movie was sooo good! Mr. Darcy is pretty darn cute, if I do say. Now when my Mom found out I really liked it she was nooot happy. Why? Because the new version is nothing like the original. I had nothing to base on  what the 'original' was because I'd never seen/read it.
So if somebody didn't read the book watched it, then yes, they'd probably love it, I would have loved it. I WANT to love it, and I will probably keep trying to.

Magnus. Bane. I love Magnus Bane. Oh my gosh I wish he was a real person that we could be best friends. I don't feel like he was portrayed well enough in the movie nooo, no, no, no. No, I was so upset about it. Why? Why?!

I really hope the TV series coming out is so much better because it's going to be heartbreaking if it comes out to be like the movie.

Again. In no way am I trying to rip apart Cassandra Clare. I love her books so much and she seems like a great person. I feel so bad that Stephenie Meyer can't even stand to deal with Twilight-the series she worked so hard for that's probably like a baby to her!- because so many people tore it up and made fun of it.

If you've watched the City of Bones movie: Did you like it? Have you read the books before hand? What're your thoughts? Has it altered your opinions on anything?

I would love to read your opinions in the comments!!

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