Thursday, November 7, 2013

Epic Movie Review

Rated - PG
Animation, Adventure, Family
Released - 2013


This movie is absolutely amazing!! It's so stinkin' cute! The slugs? Adorable! They were my favorite characters, along with the dog, their just so silly and cute.
One thing I didn't realize till a little bit through is that Pit Bull, Josh Hutcherson, Beyonce, and Steven Tyler voice in it- Yay me for catching on half way through the movie-.
This is a perfect movie for a family night, it's not your typical 'fairy' sort of movie or anything when you factor in some of the action scenes and them using Hummingbirds to fly, but seriously, who wouldn't wanna fly on a Hummingbird? If I was a tiny enough I'd totally go for it.
It's not one of those movies where when you see it you're like 'Oh, they got that idea from this-or-that movie'.
It's about a teenage girl who goes to stay with her father and wound up in the forest into a tiny little person and contributes in a fight of the good and evil.
It's like a mash up of Narnia and Avatar.
They did an incredible job on it. Two thumbs up!

Here's a trailer if you'd like to see it;

Did you watch it?
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