This past week has felt so busy, something was going on every day. It's Sunday and I'm still not ready for a new week to begin.
On Monday I visited my grandparents with my Mom. While I cleaned, like every year, they made canned peppers. (A blog post will be up about this too!) I wish I would've taken a picture of all the peppers before hand, there was a big ole wicker basket full! They were on the vine a little too long so they are quite hot, much hotter than the should be, but it smells sooooo good.
Pappap also helped me with the bow. It's been so long since I've done archery or fired the gun. We used to practice shooting all the time when I was younger, I miss it so much. Now that hunting season is coming back I'm hoping to get my license this year to be able to go.
First things first... it might help if I could actually pull the bow.
First things first... it might help if I could actually pull the bow.
So Tuesday morning, after my breakfast of corn flakes and banana slices while working on school work. Or at least attempting to. My focusing skills have seriously lacked lately...
This thing has been on my to-do list to help with the bow and tone up my 'archery muscles' as I call them. Those things seem to have gotten a bit rusty.
Went back to my Grandma's and while cleaning off her buffet stand I found these... what're these?
Kidding. This was the only was I could listen to music growing up that wasn't on a radio station.
Talk about a blast from the past.
Kidding. This was the only was I could listen to music growing up that wasn't on a radio station.
Talk about a blast from the past.
These things are also amazing. I've been liking them alot for times like this when I'm away from home but need a pick-me-up. I don't feel all heavy and gross after eating them, but yet they're filling.
My favorite so far I think is the blueberry crisp.
My favorite so far I think is the blueberry crisp.

Cookie and Jack both decided to grace us with their presence. Cookie, being 15 years old, likes to stick around the house and sleep. She's slowly down so much, it hurts. She's been looking better though, she's not so thin anymore.
Jack on the other hand is a hundred percent an outside cat by his own choice. He's into everything, that's why he isn't wearing a collar. They go missing in a matter of a few days and it frustrates me. Because of woods being so close to the house, a harness is a bad idea. It's always nice to see him though when he shows up for food. Holy cow can that cat eat. He's like a lab.
These were here and there in the yard, thought they were too pretty not to get a picture of. Thankfully, no one seemed to be home, then again I wasn't looking too hard.
Does anyone remember these? 90's kids should know. That book had been taken on a camping trip like easily 10 years ago, my Grandma found it in her trailer. Don't think I ever read the whole thing, it looked so hard to read! No it's like a piece of cake.
Also, the fleer cards. Apparently those are from the 60's? It's of a bunch of different baseball teams. They're so cool!!
Also, the fleer cards. Apparently those are from the 60's? It's of a bunch of different baseball teams. They're so cool!!
Here's a video of the fish in our pond. The water has cleared up a lot since. I love the sound of the fountain though and watching them eat. It's so nice having fish again.
This tastes so much better than it looks. It's a can of Gluten Free Cafe Veggie Noodle Soup with half a can of added kidney beans. It has rice noodles, corn, black beans, celery, green beans, carrots, peas, and tomatoes. Of course you could add more if you'd like. But this way is perfect. One whole can of this and half a can of kidney beans is about 2 1/2 servings for me. It should be more like 3 though. Oopsies!
This is the problem I have with studying. As soon as I'm set on sitting down and actually doing it. Two sentances in my brain suddenly remembers things that I should look up, or do. Or I get hungry, then I procrastinate but I'm so strict on having good grades. How does this even work?
Don't the clouds look like they're painted??
Me and Mom went out. I needed a large coupler for icing, and since we found a 20% off coupon I got a turn table too. Every icing video I've watched everyone has pretty much said that these things are a huge help when it comes to decorating and I'm so excited to use it!
Schar's sent me samples in the mail of their new Artisan Baker Gluten Free bread. It's AMAZING.
The bread is SOFT, LIGHT, and FLUFFY ... like normal bread!!!!
And it has a slight chewy to it. It would taste good with anything. There's no over-powering flavor to it so you don't have worry about it clashing with something else.
And it has a slight chewy to it. It would taste good with anything. There's no over-powering flavor to it so you don't have worry about it clashing with something else.
I personally like mine with almond butter, and one just with a bit of plain butter on it. Nice and simple[:
Once a week me and my mom treat ourselves to something like chick-fil-a, a smoothie at Sheetz, whatever. After out fiasco last week, and we didn't do anything Thursday, we went early Friday morning and decided on Starbucks again. I got a green tea frappe, a marshmallow dream bar, and a KIND Almond Coconut Cashew Chai bar. I was hoping the green tea and KIND bar would be a 'healthier' balance considering I still haven't ate the dream bar.
Every time we go I always get something different, I have a goal of wanting to try everything on the menu, fall drinks are still on the list!
Thoughts on the green tea frappe? MUCH better with the whipped cream mixed in, I think. I'm not a whipped cream person but I always get it on top, probably more for the looks, but never eat it. Ew. Gross. The little bit of sweetness helped it though. As for the Chai bar, it was really good. There's cinnamon in it, stupid me for not reading the ingredients, but it tasted kind of like pumpkin spice or something? It didn't even taste like there was cinnamon in it.
Every time we go I always get something different, I have a goal of wanting to try everything on the menu, fall drinks are still on the list!
Thoughts on the green tea frappe? MUCH better with the whipped cream mixed in, I think. I'm not a whipped cream person but I always get it on top, probably more for the looks, but never eat it. Ew. Gross. The little bit of sweetness helped it though. As for the Chai bar, it was really good. There's cinnamon in it, stupid me for not reading the ingredients, but it tasted kind of like pumpkin spice or something? It didn't even taste like there was cinnamon in it.
Lastly, food shopping. I wasn't really in the mood for anything. It was
one of those days where nothing sounded good at all. So I guess
everything was more snacky. We went to a new place so I got unexpected
things, too.

The list:
Strawberry Nesquick (Was dying of thirst, no iced tea #firstworldprobelsm)
Mini Babybell Lights
1 Blueberry Muffin Larabar
1 Cherry Pie Larabar
1 Chocolate Chip Clif Bar
1 Oatmeal Raisin Clif Bar (I bet there's cinnamon in that too -.-)
Pumpkin Spice Mini Wheats (There's definitely cinnamon in that :/ )
Chia Date Coconut Cereal Toppings
Pepperidge Farms Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies
Mini M&Ms
Werthers Caramel Popcorn
Nature's Path Maple Crunch GF Cereal
2 cans of Tyson Cooked Chicken Breast
1 Strawberry Dole Shakers Smoothie
1.84lbs Sunflower Seeds
Unsweetened Coconute Flakes
1 GF Honey Beef Stick
1 Fig Blueberry Bar
Again. A LOT more than I typically get.
I wanted lettuce but nothing looked good, most of it was all brown unless I bought a huge bag. My stomach cannot consume that much lettuce before it goes bad! Lol
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