After our first failed attempt at zip-lining, this time, we did it. Me and my mom were on our way to her work and we were sitting in the car talking about it and I got on and looked up to see how the scheduling worked then two minutes later we'd just booked ourselves a day to go.
If we're going to be completely honest, I don't know where the sudden desire to go zip-lining came from. I'm afraid of heights. Ladders? No. The two-step stool at work? Honestly, not the greatest balance. But for some reason, this needed to happen. And my mom wasn't thrilled that I wanted her to be my buddy for the course.
So once the day came we were up early and headed out the door. We turned our papers into the Outdoor Center and headed up to the course.
The one instructor said it's 30ft-40ft up, that with each section it goes up a little higher. They have two courses, the Adventurer, and Explorer. It was a bit of an accident signing up for the Adventurer once but if we would have done the Explorer I would've really regretted not going on this one. The Explorer is just not as high and it's a shorter course.
We went up early so we had time to spare and the second instructor had. It's name is Sheba, he got her the night before.
So cute!
I didn't have any pockets, and I didn't trust keeping my phone in my hoodie pocket, but Mom had her camera and she was sneaky and took some pictures.
There's about 5 different obstacles to go through before getting to the actual zipline. Which wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was gonna be. The hardest was the log you had to walk across with ropes hanging on one side to hold onto. Me and logs don't mix, my balance ain't that great.
Mom did great too. I'm so proud of her for going through it!
By this time it was starting to sprinkle, the weather was nice to hold off on raining while we went through the course, but we didn't let it hold us back.
No, it was time for biking, another spontaneous choice made by my mom and what I've been wanting to do since the first time we'd gone. I love riding bikes.
It was such a stunning sight. These are the moments I live for. It was foggy, and quiet, and any other bikers we came across there was just a mutual respect for each other with exchanging hellos and moving out of the way for others to pass.
Look how stunning that is!!! If only I'd had my DSLR, gosh, beautiful.
We rode for an hour, don't know how many miles we did, it had to be at least two miles one way. Either way, when we got back we were hungry.
We went into Paddler's Pizza. Mom got a slice of pizza and I got sweet potato fries. Not bad, the fries weren't very crispy though.
We were gonna go to the FroYo place from the last time but they were closed so we went to an ice cream shop and I GOT SUPERMAN ICE CREAM.... SUPERMAN. It's banana, raspberry, and blue raspberry. It was really good. AND IT WAS SUPERMAN. Can't stress that enough.
We walked around and went through the stores and just milled around. We were soaked though. Brought a spare shirt and pants... forgot the spare hoodie and shoes. COLD.
My friend always teases me cause I get cold so easy at work. I could only imagine what he would've said about this.
Lastly, was some mining. They have a shop where you can get bags of certain types of objects like arrow heads/fossils/rocks and you sift through it in the water.

(Still cold. Thanks Mom for having a spare dry jacket in the car)
What a wonderful day it had turned out to be, even though the weather didn't pan out, it still made for a great time.