Last year I created a board on my Pinterest of things I wanted to do during this year. I wanted to create one for next year too and thought I'd share what I did out of the billion things pinned on what I managed to do.
1. See Inside Out - Check! Loved it

2. 15 Books to Read Summer 2015 I read half of the 2 books (Paper Towns by John Green and Aristole and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz) on the list. I honestly hadn't paid much attention to it because I was so busy trying to read the books I wanted for my GoodReads Challenge.
- Paper Towns was great, I'd read it previously I didn't get to finish it because it needed returned to the library.
- Aristole and Dante wasn't up my ally, I only read the first few chapters and decided not to finish it. It's not my first choice of a storyline.
3. Tye-dying in the summer. - Check! Did many different shirts.

4. Get a pair of Vans. - Didn't happen. It wasn't my first priority, nor did I have the money to really get a pair.

5. Have a flat stomach. - Fail.
6. Go to the beach. - It was planned but didn't turn out last minute.
7. Get a Mint Chocolate candle from Bath & Body Works. - Slipped my mind.
8. Get a Christmas mug. - HAPPENED. It's an adorable polar bear shaped mug with a blue and red scarf.
9. Have an unforgettable summer. - It was great, but not the unforgettable I had in mind.
10. Read the Bible in a year. - It started out great than I just got lazy with it, unfortunatly. Hopefully this year will be better for that.
11. Go to Comic Con. - It was planned, but like the beach, fell through last minute.
12. Save money - Check!
13. Trace my family history. - Semi-check. Haven't gone deep enough.
14. Go to a concert. - IT ALMOST HAPPENED.
15. Go camping. - Didn't happen.
16. Feel confident in a bikini. - Yes. Not so much now. Thank you holidays and lack of self control.
17. Buy a big teddy bear. - Didn't happen.
18. Get a tan. - Rain made this impossible.
19. Complete a scrapbook. - No.
20. Do a 365 Day food log. - Yes, bad idea.
21. Improve my flexibility. - Yes, but didn't keep up with it.
22. Take a picture of my outfit everyday of the year. - Not even close, lol.
23. Go to Rhode Island. - Nope.
24. Pass my driving test. - Didn't take it.
25. Own a cat. - Nope.
26. Finish a book in one sitting. - Multiple times.
27. Collect every can on arizona iced tea. - I keep having mixed feelings of having empty cans lying around, lol.
28. Read 52 books in a year. - YES.
29. Get off my computer and explore the world. - Yes.
30. Go to an aquarium. - No :[ Darn you weather!!!
31. Read all of the Harry Potter books. - I'm ashamed to say no on this.
32. Go on a road trip. - Nooooo.
33. Eat more vegetables. - Yes, I had accomplished this greatly.
34. Buy a stay positive hoodie. - No, but it's been on my mind.
35. Dye my hair black. - Technically yes, technically no. I have a job so I'm unable to dye my hair like I used to, but the under half of it is currently black.
36. Re-paint my room. - It is the most beautiful shade of blue in the world.
37. Redecorate my room. - Completed.
38. Try a cotton candy frappicino. - It tastes like french vanilla with flavored syrup to me.
39. Read the entire Hush, Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick. - I read the first book, didn't get around to the rest.
40. Make homemade jam. - NOO, I still really wanna do this.
41. Take a photo everyday for a year. - Nope.
42. Keep a journal. - Yes, I'm very pleased with this.
43. Adopt a puppy. - My Dad is being very stubborn with not wanting more than 2 pets, lol.
44. Get braces. - No, thanks to the wonderful perks of a part-time student.
45. Try a Starbucks coffee. - I haven't had their straight hot coffee, but I did try the coffee frappicino and it was okay. I couldn't decide if I liked it or not while consuming two thirds of it.
46. Own an apartment. - I really hate that this didn't happen :/
47. Dye my hair red. - Nada.
48. Own cowboy boots. - Almost happened, than didn't.
49. GoodReads Reading Challenge of 52 books. - As of today, I've read 81.
Even though I didn't get to do everything I wanted, I've gotten to do other things
1. Got my first job.
2. Taking college classes
3. Have my drivers permit.
4. Went shooting.
5. Made new friends.
6. Gave more this year than I felt like I've done previously.
7. Improved myself, my mind, my attitude towards other people.
8. Lost weight.
9. I'm learning how to manage myself. This has been a huge year for me in the way of coping mentally. I'm learning how to handle my negative mind and emotions and trying my best to take care of me both physically and mentally. Some days I feel like I'm drowning, and other days I feel like I'm on top of the world.
As hard as this year has been for me, it has been an important year, and that's what's important.