Sunday, August 31, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 30
Favorite Spell?
Expelliarmus - always has been, probably always will be.
Day 29 of the Potter Challenge Potter Challenge Review
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 29
Favorite Hogwarts Portrait?
The giraffe when it walks through all the portraits, I just love that so much.
Day 28 of the Potter Challenge Day 30 of the Potter Challenge
Friday, August 29, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 28
Favorite Death Eater?
Does Malfoy count? Lol. I know I know, but come on...
Day 27 of the Potter Challenge Day 29 of the Potter Challenge
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 27
Favorite Magical Ability?
Would Parseltongue count? For some reason I just think that's really cool. When I was little I'd copy what Harry said and say I could talk to snakes and that.
Day 26 of the Potter Challenge Day 28 of the Potter Challenge
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 25
Favorite Dursley?
Probably Aunt Petunia, she didn't seem as evil as the other two, lol.
Day 24 of the Potter Challenge Day 26 of the Potter Challenge
Monday, August 25, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 23
Your Favorite Patronus?
Ginny's horse, love love love it[:
Day 22 of the Potter Challenge Day 24 of the Potter Challenge
Potter Challenge: Day 24
Your Own Patronous
According to BuzzFeed I am a Hare, but I don't know how reliable that is or not :[
Day 23 of the Potter Challenge Day 25 of the Potter Challenge
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 22
Aspired Quidditch Position?
Probably a Seeker, I'm not sure I could pull off any of the others, lol.
Day 21 of the Potter Challenge Day 23 of the Potter Challenge
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 20
Funniest Moment?
Anything having to do with Fred & George. Honestly, those two could have their own show.
Day 19 of the Potter Challenge Day 21 of the Potter Challenge
Potter Challenge: Day 21
Most Emotional Moment?
I feel like this is the same as the Saddest Moment, so I'm gonna stick with the same answer as being when Dumbledore was ignoring Harry.
Day 20 of the Potter Challenge Day 22 of the Potter Challenge
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Potter Chalenge: Day 19
Favorite Horcrux?
Tom Riddles Diary. I don't know why exactly if it's just that it's always the first that comes to mind or what. But that would be it.
Day 18 of the Potter Challenge Day 20 of the Potter Challenge
Monday, August 18, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 18
Favorite Unforgivable Curse?
Avada Kedavra.
Day 17 of the Potter Challenge Day 19 of the Potter Challenge
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 17
Favorite Animagus?
McGonagall's cat :]
Day 16 of the Potter Challenge Day 18 of the Potter Challenge
Saturday, August 16, 2014
A Long Weekend...
This week had been stressful. My mind was running everywhere while my body felt like it had no ounce of energy to do anything, not gonna lie, it got away with that. That's something I'm gonna have to work on changing.

Me and my mom went for an outting and stopped back at the gas station. I had a craving for these shark gummies, they didn't taste nearly as good as I had hoped :[

A raspberry iced tea to go with the pizza I didn't snap a picture of. Seriously though, the freezer now has me good for pizza for the next 2 months. Thanks mom!

After our outting we went to my Grandma's. That's Jack, I haven't seen him in about a year, apart from the fact he's about doubled in size, he hasn't changed!

That's Cookie. She's the sweetest cat on the face of the earth. She has got an ear infection she's healing from.
She hasn't changed either, she was my little buddy. Gosh I missed her.

And today; I walked with my mom downtown and she got me another tea. It's probably not healthy how much I drink of it. I should just make my own...

(Sorry for the tilted picture) And I tried out these today, I'll have a review up of them soon!
Potter Challenge: Day 16
Your Favorite Hogwarts House?
Euuu. Of course Gryffindor
Day 15 of the Potter Challenge Day 17 of the Potter Challenge
Friday, August 15, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 15
Favorite Tri-Wizard Tournament?
Well, I can say it wasn't the maze because we all know what happened there. Probably the dragons. The underwater one was good too but the 'mermaids' or whatever sorta freaked me out.
Day 14 of the Potter Challenge Day 16 of the Potter Challenge
Potter Challenge: Day 14
Favorite Book Cover?
Probably The Order of The Phoenix. It's blue.
Day 13 of the Potter Challenge Day 15 of the Potter Challenge
Potter Challenge: Day 13
Most Missed Dead Character?
Cedric Diggory. Every single time that part comes on I get teary-eyed, if i watched it now I'd probably bawl my eyes out. Let's just not talk about it, okay?
Day 12 of the Potter Challenge Day 14 of the Potter Challenge
Potter Challenge: Day 12
Most Beautiful Character?
Hermione Granger. Of course.
Day 11 of the Potter Challenge Day 13 of the Potter Challenge
Potter Challenge: Day 11
Most Handsome Character?
Fred and George, heeelllloooooo!
Day 10 of the Potter Challenge Day 12 of the Potter Challenge
Potter Challenge: Day 10
Favorite Shop in Diagon Alley?
Oh goodness, can I pick all of them? Lol. Eeylops Owl Emporium. Gotta love owls.
Day 9 of the Potter Challenge Day 11 of the Potter Challenge
Potter Challenge: Day 9

SIDE NOTE: I'd like to apologize for being so late on these posts, lately I've been dealing with some technical issues that cause all the pictures on my blog to get erased so all my previous posts had to get drafted and re-edited for me to find the pictures, all of which I don't have because I had saved some on my former portable hard-drive which is not able to connect to anything, and then I had other posts that I had been meaning to post so everything has been a bit mumbo-jumbo, and as soon as I catch up on these Potter Challenges I will soon be back to square one.
Again, my apologies.
Least Favorite Subject?
This is actually pretty hard to pick. Maybe Divinations? That seems like it would bit a boring class-don't judge me!
Day 8 of the Potter Challenge Day 10 of the Potter Challenge
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
These pictures are from a week or two ago but I wanted to post them anyway!
After a good workout, tea was required.
The. We went to my grandparents house. This is Jack, isn't he adorable? He's the O'Malley Cat around here, only he's not a stray. Anymore.
And this is Cookie, she's an absolute sweetheart. It's been about a year since I've seen either of them, the only thing that's changed is that Cookie got skinner(old age), and Jack got bigger!
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Homemade Peanut Butter Cups!
I've been wanting to make these for a while and finally got around to it, and my parents LOVE them.
Now for the filling, mix the peanut butter, powdered sugar, and salt in a bowl adding more powdered sugar if needed.
I used semi sweet chocolate chips because I didn't realize till later that we had milk chocolate chips, which I plan on making them with as well.
My mom really enjoyed the filling of them too.
What you'll need;
Chocolate coating:
4 tbsp creamy peanut butter
Pinch of salt
1 3/4 cups of chocolate chips
Peanut butter filling;
3/4 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup powdered sugar (you might need more depending on the consistency you prefer)
Pinch of salt
First start with a muffin pin and line with liners.
Next, in a small bowl, combine peanut butter, chocolate, and salt and melt in the microwave, use 15sec intervals to make sure the chocolate doesn't burn.
Depending on how much chocolate you want, spoon 1-2 teaspoons of the chocolate into the paper liners and smooth it around, smooth half way up the sides too.
Put in fridge to set.
Spoon into chocolate liners and put in the fridge for 15mins to help set.
Add the rest of the chocolate over the top of the peanut butter.
It's best to keep them in the fridge so they don't get too soft, or even freeze them for a special treat!
More Pizza, More Tea
This was my first time having this kind of tea by Pure Leaf, I'm trying to find one that doesn't have a bunch of sugar in it before I have to go the unsweetened route. But it wasn't all that bad, considering I'm not a huge fan of honey. Plus it had like half the calories.
I love tea.
And pizza.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 8
Favorite Subject
Care of Magical Creatures.
Of course.
Day 7 of the Potter Challenge Day 9 of the Potter Challenge
Potter Challenge: Day 7
Least Favorite Professor.
I think 99 percent of the Potterhead population can agree with me when I say Umbridge.
Ugh, can't stand that women. She reminds me of a teacher I had.
It's amazing how a character in books and that that doesn't exist can make you have such strong feelings towards them.
Just look at that smirk....
Day 6 of the Potter Challenge Day 8 of the Potter Challenge
Monday, August 4, 2014
Potter Challenge: Day 6
Favorite Professor
Professor Remus. Lupin. I like how nice he is compared to Snape and them, and how he sort of took on that 'second parent' teacher role. Plus he believes chocolate fixes pretty much any bad situation. How can you go wrong with that?
Day 5 of the Potter Challenge Day 7 of the Potter Challenge
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Garage Sale Time!
Today me and my mom went over to my aunts house to have a garage sale which ended up being okay, there hasn't been a lot of people the past few years :[
Unfortunately the pictures I took turned out to be a disaster so I apologize for not having any of them.
Here's a picture of my outfit... Well sorta...
I just wanted something comfortable to wear since I'd be sitting most of the day.
I did manage to snap a picture of my brunch though.
I made a banana milkshake and had a can of Progresso Traditional Chicken & Rice soup and added my own gf noodles to it since I didn't have any regular chicken soup.
Can we also talk about how my Bakery Story bakery got 100 hearts?
That made me really happy. It's also taking over my life.
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